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3-2: Resources

require expressions find and import resources, which are external components like applications and other scripts.

The syntax of a require expression depends on the type of resource being referred to.

See also: Quick Tutorial.


Resources such as non-default apps aren't available in all host environments. To this end, a require expression declares a requirement, which, if not met by the host environment, will trigger a parse error. The conditions under which a requirement is met are specific to each resource type.

require app Google Chrome

This declares a requirement on Google Chrome being installed. If it's not installed, the parser complains:

Can't find required app Google Chrome

(Unmet requirements are a parse error because resources can import terms.)

Resource terms#

require expressions define resource terms. Note that resource and resource term will be used interchangeably at times.

Imported terms#

Resource terms often contain (and export) imported terms.

For example, the scripting dictionary for the Contacts app defines the type person, so when imported, the Contacts resource contains and exports person (along with the rest of the dictionary):

require app Contacts
-- The term 'Contacts' contains the Contacts AppleScript dictionary
person --> type 'person' in Contacts dictionary

Remote calls#

At runtime, a resource evaluates to a resource item that represents it. Resource items often handle commands via remote calls over some protocol, requiring marshalling of data.


Most remote calls require encoding (or boxing or packing) of data into a transport format. For example, calls sent to apps and AppleScripts are routed through AppleEvents, which require data represented as AppleScript objects.

If encoding is possible, it happens automatically. Encoding can fail if an item is not adequately representable in the target format; for instance, a record can only be encoded as an AppleScript object if its keys are ae4 symbolic contants.


Data received in response to a remote call requires decoding (or unboxing or unpacking) from a transport format into BushelScript items. For example, reply AppleEvents contain AppleScript objects, which must be decoded to be useful in BushelScript. If decoding is possible, it happens automatically.

Decoding can fail if no type of BushelScript item is known by the runtime system to adequately represent it. When this happens, the data is left intact in a wrapper item whose sole use is to be sent in remote calls with the same transport format.

Remote specifiers#

Specifiers rooted in a resource item can trigger remote calls when evaluated. These are called remote specifiers.

require app Safari
name of every window of Safari -- Remote specifier (triggers remote "get" call)

Types of resources#


require app refers to an app installed on the host system.

  • Imported terms: The app's AppleScript terminology, if it defines any.
  • Remote calls: AppleEvents sent to the application.
    • Transport format: AppleScript objects
  • Remote specifiers: AppleEvent Object Model (AEOM) objects within the application.
require app Mail
require app id
-- Error if Google Chrome is not installed:
require app Google Chrome
tell Google Chrome to make new window -- Remote call
name of front window of Google Chrome -- Remote specifier evaluation


require library refers to an installed script library (written in BushelScript or AppleScript).

If the library is written in BushelScript:

  • Imported terms: Terms the script defines.
  • Local calls: Calls to local functions. (Function definitions are imported.)
  • Local specifiers: Like any other local specifiers.

If the library is written in AppleScript:

  • Imported terms: The script's sdef terminology, if it defines any.
  • Remote calls: AppleEvents executed in the context of the AppleScript script.
    • Transport format: AppleScript objects
  • Remote specifiers: None (will produce an error when evaluated).


require AppleScript refers to an AppleScript file located somewhere on the host system.

  • Imported terms: The script's sdef terminology, if it defines any.
  • Remote calls: AppleEvents executed in the context of the AppleScript script.
    • Transport format: AppleScript objects
  • Remote specifiers: None (will produce an error when evaluated).


require system or equivalent refers to the operating system in general, or a specific minimum version thereof.

  • Imported terms: The System Events app's AppleScript terminology.
  • Remote calls: AppleEvents sent to the System Events app.
    • Transport format: AppleScript objects
  • Remote specifiers: AppleEvent Object Model (AEOM) objects within System Events.
Last updated on by Ian Gregory