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B: Grammar

The following is an incomplete formal grammar for the bushelscript_en language. The form is similar to BNF:

  • Anything inside < and > refers to a "rule" or "production", i.e., a named grammar element.
  • :: denotes the definition of a rule.
  • Any non-[< > ( ) [ ] | :: whitespace] characters occur literally.
  • ( and ) group elements.
  • Elements inside [ and ] may or may not occur. Whether they occur can alter semantics.
  • A | between two elements indicates that either may occur. Which one occurs can alter semantics.

To simplify the grammar, we allow rules to be templates. We write rule R templated on X as R( X ).

For example:

<foo> :: foo [ <bar> ]
<bar> :: bar ( baz | <bar> )
Source codeMatches <foo>?
foo bar
foo baz
foo bar baz
foo bar bar baz

Some informal notions are defined in (parentheses). Please note that this only a good approximation of the language syntax, not a complete grammar. Devising one is not a goal at the moment.

The rules are organized more or less top-down.

Meta rules#

As a reminder, to simplify this grammar, we allow rules to be templates, writing rule R templated on X as R( X ). Here are some generally applicable templates we'll use:

<pump>( R ) :: R [ <pump>( R ) ]
<pump-with-end>( R, E ) <pump>( E | R )
<delimited-list>( R, D ) :: R [ <pump>( D R ) ]
<delimited-list-with-end>( R, D, E ) :: R ( E | <pump-with-end>( D R, E ) )


<blank> applies zero/one (depending on context) or more times between all syntax elements.

<blank> :: <space> | <block-comment>
<block-comment> :: '--(' <utf-8>( ')--' )


<program> :: [ <delimited-list>( <expression>, <sequence-delimiter> ) ]
<sequence> :: <sequence>( end )
<sequence>( E ) :: <delimited-list-with-end>( <expression>, <sequence-delimiter>, E )
<sequence-delimiter> :: <pump>( <line-break> | <line-comment> )
<line-comment> :: '--' <utf-8>( <line-break> )


<expression> ::
<definition> |
<group> |
<literal> |
<reference> |
<get-set> |
<control> |
<invocation> |
<compound> |
<require> |


<definition> ::
<term-definition> | <variable-definition> | <function-definition>
<term-definition> ::
define <term-name> [ as ( <term> | <term-uri> ) ] |
defining <term-name> [ as ( <term> | <term-uri> ) ] <sequence>
<variable-definition> :: let ( <term-name>( be ) <expression> | <term-name> )
<function-defintion> ::
on <term-name>( <line-break> ) ( <delimited-list>( <parameter-spec>, <line-break> ) <line-break> do | do )
<parameter-spec> ::
<term-name>( '(' ) '(' <term-name>( ')' ) [ ':' <expression> ] |
<term-name>( ':' ) <expression> |


<group> ::
<grouped-expression> | <list> | <record>
<grouped-expression> :: '(' <expression> ')'
<list> :: '{' <delimited-list>( <expression>, ',' ) '}'
<record> :: '{' <delimited-list>( <record-item>, ',' ) '}'
<record-item> :: <expression> : <expression>


<literal> ::
<integer> | <real> |
<string> | <multiline-string> | <interpreted-string> |
<boolean> | <missing> | <unspecified>
<integer> :: <digits>(such that their value in base-10 is in [-2^63,2^63))
<real> :: [ <digits> ] . <digits> [ ( e | E ) [ + | - ] <digits> ]
<string> ::
( ( " <utf-8>( " | <line-break> ) " ) | ( “ <utf-8>( ” | <line-break> ) ” ) )
<multiline-string> ::
## <line-break> <utf-8>( ## ) |
##(' <utf-8>( ')' ) <utf-8>( '##(' (same delimiter) ')' )
<interpreted-string> :: #! <utf-8>( <line-break> ) <utf-8>( <interpreted-string> | #! )
<boolean> :: true | false
<missing> :: missing
<unspecified> :: unspecified


<reference> ::
<last-result> | <current-target> | <variable>
<last-result> :: that
<current-target> :: it


<get-set> ::
<get> | <ref> | <set>
<get> :: get <expression>
<ref> :: ref <expression>
<set> :: set <expression> to <expression>


<control> ::
<return> | <raise>
<return> :: return <expression>
<raise> :: raise <expression>


<invocation> ::
<command> [ <expression> ] [ <pump>( <parameter> <expression> ) ] |
<unary-prefix-operator> <expression> |
<expression> <binary-infix-operator> <expression>
<unary-prefix-operator> ::
(one of the operators in the table at Part 2 § Unary Prefix Operators)
<binary-infix-operator> ::
(one of the operators in the table at Part 2 § Binary Infix Operators)


<compound> ::
<conditional> | <conditional-loop> | <bounded-loop> | <iterative-loop> |
<error-handler> |
<with-module> | <with-target> |
<conditional> ::
if <expression> (
then <expression> [ else ( <expression> | <sequence> ) ] |
[ then ] <sequence> |
[ then ] <sequence>( else ) ( <expression> | <sequence> )
<conditional-loop> :: repeat while <expression> <sequence>
<bounded-loop> :: repeat <expression> times <sequence>
<iterative-loop> :: repeat for <term-name> in <expression> <sequence>
<error-handler> ::
try ( <expression> handle | <sequence>( handle ) ) ( <expression> | <sequence> )
<with-module> :: tell <expression> ( to <expression> | <sequence> )
<with-target> :: target <expression> ( then <expression> | <sequence> )
<anonymous-function> ::
( take <pump-with-end>( <term-name>( ',' ), <term-name>( do ) ) | do ) <sequence>


<require> ::
<require-library> | <require-system> | <require-app> | <require-applescript>
<require-library> :: require library <term-name>
<require-system> :: require system [ version ( v | V ) <digits> . <digits> [ . <digits> ] ]
<require-app> :: require app [ id ] <term-name>
<require-applescript> :: require AppleScript <term-name> at <string>


<specifier> :: ( <element-specifier> | <property> ) [ of <expression> ]
<element-specifier> ::
( <simple-specifier> | <name-specifier> | <index-specifier> |
<id-specifier> |
<absolute-positioning-specifier> |
<relative-positioning-specifier> |
<all-specifier> |
<range-specifier> | <filter-specifier>
<simple-specifier> :: <type> <expression>
<name-specifier> :: <type> named <expression>
<index-specifier> :: <type> index <expression>
<id-specifier> :: <type> id <expression>
<absolute-positioning-specifier> :: first | middle | last | some ) <type>
<relative-positioning-specifier> :: <type> ( before | after ) <expression>
<all-specifier> :: ( all | every ) <type>
<range-specifier> :: <type> <expression> ( thru | through ) <expression>
<filter-specifier> :: <type> ( where | whose ) <expression>


<raw-term> :: # <term-role> <term-uri>
<term>( R ) :: <raw-term>(with role R) | (any term in the current lexicon with role R)
<term> :: <term>(any role in <term-role>)
<property> :: <term>(property)
<constant> :: <term>(constant)
<command> :: <term>(command)
<parameter> :: <term>(parameter)
<variable> :: <term>(variable)
<resource> :: <term>(resource)

Term ID#

<term-role> :: type | property | constant | command | parameter | variable | resource
<term-uri>:: '[' (
id:<utf-8>( ']' ) |
res:(resource type):<utf-8>( ']' ) |
ae4:(4 characters) ']' | ae8:(8 characters) ']' | ae12:(12 characters) ']' |
asid:<utf-8>( ']' )

Term name#

<term-name> :: delimited-list( <word>, <blank> )
<term-name>( E ) :: <delimited-list-with-end>( <word>, <blank>, E )
<lazy-term-name> :: <word> | ( '|' <term-name>( '|' ) )
<word> :: <utf-8>( <space> | <category>( P*, S* NOT (one of _.-/'’?) ) )

Fundamental notions#

<utf-8>( E ) :: (any UTF-8 string that does not match rule E) E
<category>( X1, …, Xn, [ NOT E ] ) ::
(any UTF-8 grapheme cluster in Unicode General Category X1, or …, or Xn
that does not match rule E, if given)
<space> :: <category>(Z* NOT <line-break>)
<line-break> ::
(one of:
U+000D U+000A (CRLF), U+000A thru U+000D,
U+0085, U+2028, or U+2029
<digits> :: (any sequence of decimal digits 0 thru 9)
Last updated on by Ian Gregory